Saturday, October 23, 2010

Do It Yourself Magazine!

We are so thrilled!

Two of our prints made it on the cover of the winter issue of Better Homes and Garden's Do It Yourself magazine!

Our "I'm Sew Very Happy" and "Je T'aime" prints appear on the mid-right section of the cover!

It's the first time we've been published and we are just beyond excited that it's a Better Homes and Gardens publication--what an honor! Of course we bought up a few copies that we spotted at our local Target!

Ms. Pamela Porter styled the shoot and we just have to say that she did an incredible job--she is so extremely talented.

Be sure to check out Do it Yourself's facebook page:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Handmade and Vintage Market

Next week (October 4-8) we're happy to report that we'll be participating in the "Handmade and Vintage Market" hosted online by Heather of Blessed Little Nest. There will be giveaways and discounts and lots of fun and stylish stuff to check out.

We'll be giving away one of our prints, so be sure to check it out!

Good Eats

I share with you now, one of my favorite thrift store discoveries, Mrs. Fryer's Cookbook, published in 1926.

It's jacket is held together by layers of tape, but filled with some of the tastiest, and let's not forget fattening, recipes to be had. No, you won't find some of these delicious gems in the pages of the latest Food Network publication, this is the way your grandma and her mama used to cook. How can you go wrong?

What's truly special about this old tome are the scores of additional hand-written recipes, clippings and newspaper articles which have turned a light ocher, including this publication from 1934 titled, "Favorite Recipes". Its attention to Depression Era conservation is especially noteworthy.





Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Little Bit Like Chop Suey

Tonight we ate Chinese take-out for dinner. We ordered the honey chicken, veggie lo mein and special fried rice. Well, it was mostly disappointing, and I guess we'll be heading back to South Garden on Sunset and 107 next time--definitely worth the slightly longer drive.

In the spirit of our humdrum nums, I present to you, dear reader, a sampling of authentic, Chinese recipes and supping protocol from a cook book published in 1964. My handsome man found this one in a thrift store about ten years ago and we have not tried even one of these very colorful recipes (we are lame).

So, best of luck to any brave souls out there, willing to try their hand at "barbecue sausages" or "Chinese hot dogs"!




Thrifty Finds

Back in the day, Fisher Price made some pretty cool toys, including their "Little People" play sets. My older brother and sister had a bunch of the original "little people" play sets and naturally I got to play with them when I came along. Sadly we lost many of our toys through the years, including these little, plastic folks. Not to worry, though, years of thrifting have paid off.


The castle featured some nifty details, like this secret passage.


The old school house.

I truly adore that fancy chap.